€350.00Unknown: grenade impacts on a target, ca. 1870
€300.00Unknown: Gymnastics exercises at the school for officers, France ca. 1914
€750.00Vladimir V. Lebedev: people watching a solar eclipse, St. Petersburg ca. 1912
€180.00unknown: portrait in profile of a lady, ca. 1900
€250.00Unknown: Robert Jones balancing on one hand, ca. 1927
€300.00A. de Montmeja: portrait of woman with Syphilide, ca. 1870
€100.00Anonyme: French soldiers having fun, ca. 1900
€300.00Unknown: acrobatic wrestlers showing their skills, ca. 1935
€100.00Unkown: an acrobatic couple having fun, ca. 1950
€350.00Anonyme: Robert Jones showing his biceps, ca. 1927
€450.00Hermann Heid: figure study of legs, ca. 1875
€50.00Anonyme: African bodybuilder, ca. 1950s
€100.00BUFA: French prisoners of war, Berlin ca. 1915
€130.00Anonyme: Interwar gymnasts posing in a Rhönrad, Germany ca. 1929
€100.00Anonyme: young man reading a newspaper, France ca. 1910
€50.00Anonyme: bodybuilder in backlight, ca. 1940s
€100.00Anonyme: artist study of a female nude, France ca. 1930
€80.00Anonyme: erotic albumen print, Japan, ca. 1880
€130.00Anonyme: breastfeeding, France ca. 1900
€40.00Anonyme: man with his dog, France ca. 1900
€100.00R. Vétault: portrait of a Springer Spaniel, France ca. 1865
€130.00Unknown: smiling boy with a lantern, France ca. 1900
€50.00Anonyme: double exposure of a bodybuilder, ca. 1960
€80.00Anonyme: out of the swimming pool, France ca. 1960's
€150.00Anonymous: eclipse nr. 6, 14 and 16, ca. 1970s
€350.00G.B.: "Dessins de Jupiter, France ca. 1906
€150.00Unknown: darkroom teststrip, France ca. 1940s
€250.00Institut National des Sports: Javalin dancer, France ca. 1925
€950.00J. Couyat & P. Montet: Egyptian Hieroglyphics at Wâdi Hammâmât, ca. 1911
€200.00Max Schirner: gymnastics by a soldier of the Kriegsmarine, Berlin ca. 1943
€120.00Unknown: snapshot of a hand, ca. 1950
€300.00Anonyme: hand with dermatitis, France ca. 1908
€600.00Prince Roland Bonaparte: "Collection anthropologique" hand, Malaysia ca. 1884
€250.00Anonyme: sick man takes a medicine, ca. 1860
€950.00Désiré Lebel: Chapelle des Maccabées, Amiens ca. 1850
€1,200.00E. Atget: Cour de Rome, rue des Vertus, Paris ca. 1901
€100.00Unknown: Girls playing with their doll, ca. 1930s
€180.00Anonyme: Victor David d'Orimond drinking wine, ca. 1900
€100.00Unknown: pole dancing on a tree, France ca. 1950
€100.00J.T.: family portrait in a garden, France ca. 1880
€100.00Unknown: jigsaw puzzle of a group on the beach, France ca. 1900
€130.00Anonyme: family portrait in the garden, France ca. 1880
€150.00Unknown: hidden face, France ca. 1930s
€150.00Anonymous: reversed out female nude, glass negative, ca. 1900
€200.00J. Destréguil: a cook at the Musée Grévin, Paris ca. 1885
€75.00Unknown: playing snooker, ca. 1950
€850.00Roger Fenton: Sir John Campbell and his aide-de-camp Captain Hume, Crimea ca. 1855
€130.00Playing Chess: cabinet card and stereo print, ca. 1875
€90.00Anonyme: Greek funeral mask, collotype ca. 1890
€650.00Félix Nadar: self-portrait, Paris ca. 1860
€100.00Léonard de Saint-Germain: marble bust of Napoléon I, ca. 1866
€80.00Unknown: destructing evidence, Spain ca. 1950
€100.00Unknown: La evasion misteriosa, Spain ca. 1950
€150.00French Ministère de l’Information: liberation of Paris, ca. 1944
€250.00Odart de Parigny: smiling farmer with cow, France ca. 1862
€600.00Duboscq-Soleil (attr.): stereo daguerreotype of a stuffed mountain goat, ca. 1855
€200.00Jean Geiser: dead panther, Algeria ca. 1880
€500.00Eugène Disdéri: armor collection of Napoléon III, ca. 1859
€300.00Baron & Mitkiewicz: 'ça c'est une fois un bon fusil savez vous!', ca. 1860
€950.00Anonyme: Giant Hogweed Plant, UK ca. 1860
€50.00Anonyme: stockings and two balloons, ca. 1930s
€130.00H. von der Becke: Olympic swimmer Hans Hampel, Berlin ca. 1951
€80.00Robert Sennecke: Police Championships, Germany ca. 1929
€150.00F. Niemants: "acrobatie amusante", Brussels ca. 1925
€100.00Unknown: struggling with his helmet, Germany ca. 1940s
€50.00Anonyme: dance class, ca. 1970s
€250.00Anonymous: hurdler in a private garden, ca. 1906
€1.00Interview with Bazar Nadar, The Classic
€35.00USAAF: welcome back home, US ca. 1948
€80.00Unknown: disinfection in the French army, ca. 1900
€80.00Anonyme: home made erotic snapshot, France ca. 1940s
€200.00Odart de Parigny: two dogs at the château, France ca. 1862
€75.00Imperial War Museum: A view of the old battlefield, Somme ca. 1917
€30.00Unknown: 79th Cameron Highlanders, UK ca. 1882
€100.00Pépin Eugène (attr.): Vermandovillers, arrivée des renforts français, septembre 1916
€100.00Jean de Bourgoing: playing with his dog, Austria ca. 1894
€1.00See "COLLECTIONS" for more vintage photography
€120.00unknown: a fallen Zouave, France ca. 1871