€180.00unknown: portrait in profile of a lady, ca. 1900
€300.00A. de Montmeja: portrait of woman with Syphilide, ca. 1870
€100.00BUFA: French prisoners of war, Berlin ca. 1915
€100.00Anonyme: young man reading a newspaper, France ca. 1910
€130.00Anonyme: breastfeeding, France ca. 1900
€40.00Anonyme: man with his dog, France ca. 1900
€130.00Unknown: smiling boy with a lantern, France ca. 1900
€180.00Anonyme: Victor David d'Orimond drinking wine, ca. 1900
€75.00Unknown: playing snooker, ca. 1950
€850.00Roger Fenton: Sir John Campbell and his aide-de-camp Captain Hume, Crimea ca. 1855
€90.00Anonyme: Greek funeral mask, collotype ca. 1890
€650.00Félix Nadar: self-portrait, Paris ca. 1860
€300.00Baron & Mitkiewicz: 'ça c'est une fois un bon fusil savez vous!', ca. 1860
€100.00Unknown: struggling with his helmet, Germany ca. 1940s
€30.00Unknown: 79th Cameron Highlanders, UK ca. 1882
€350.00Cercle of Jean-Baptiste Charcot: early amateur group portrait, ca. 1850
€250.00rare Etched daguerreotype: 'Sidney Matthews Age 32, ca. 1855
€450.00Victor Plumier: woman in traditional French clothes, ca. 1855
€250.00Tsar Alexander II, salt print of a mezzotint, St.-Petersbourg ca. 1856
€450.00Brand Frères: portrait of a Belgian priest, Brussels ca. 1860
€80.00Unknown: Pierrot having a picnic, France ca. 1920
€130.00Jorgen Sperling: "One Girl - Many Girls", Denmark ca. 1965
€250.00Pierre Petit: Gustave Courbet, ca. 1860
€100.00E. Brown Jr.: Japanese Woman from Simoda, Japan ca. 1856
€70.00Disdéri: rejected print of Compte Vrimoli, ca 1865
€75.00Anonyme: impovised outdoor studio, ca. 1890
€150.00Anonymous: shooting woman, Certosa Italy ca. 1906
€95.00Albumen portrait of five men, ca. 1860
€250.00Anonymous: hand tinted portrait of Japanese Geisha (芸者), ca. 1880
€70.00Anonymous: stereo of Old Pensioner, UK ca. 1860