€300.00A. de Montmeja: portrait of woman with Syphilide, ca. 1870
€250.00Anonyme: sick man takes a medicine, ca. 1860
€950.00Désiré Lebel: Chapelle des Maccabées, Amiens ca. 1850
€250.00Odart de Parigny: smiling farmer with cow, France ca. 1862
€600.00Duboscq-Soleil (attr.): stereo daguerreotype of a stuffed mountain goat, ca. 1855
€500.00Eugène Disdéri: armor collection of Napoléon III, ca. 1859
€950.00Anonyme: Giant Hogweed Plant, UK ca. 1860
€200.00Odart de Parigny: two dogs at the château, France ca. 1862
€350.00Cercle of Jean-Baptiste Charcot: early amateur group portrait, ca. 1850
€250.00rare Etched daguerreotype: 'Sidney Matthews Age 32, ca. 1855
€100.00Anonyme: early snapshot of a man jumping, ca. 1890
€130.00Anonyme: "chicken run", France ca. 1870
€200.00Odart de Parigny: horse and carriage, France ca. 1862
€1,450.00Adrien Tournachon (dit Nadar Jeune): "Mignonne", horse with his owner, ca. 1860
€300.00Odart de Parigny: genre study of two farmers, France ca. 1861
€70.00Disdéri: rejected print of Compte Vrimoli, ca 1865
€950.00Henry Frères: Photographie Lunaire, Paris ca. 1890
€450.00Richebourg: large albumen print of two men
€300.00Anonymous: portrait of a man and his daughter, ca. 1860Sold out
€350.00Honoré Daumier: Proverbes et Maximes 'La patience est la vertu des ânes', 1840
€125.00Anonymous: tintype of a hunting dog, US ca. 1870
€100.00Occupational tintype: tanner or glover, Gloversville New York, ca. 1890
€100.00Anonyme: pack of dogs, France ca. 1870
€50.00Anonyme: portrait of a man, vintage copy image, France ca. 1860
€30.00Gautier: mother with child, France ca. 1865
€180.00Anonyme: nude study of a woman, ca. 1870
€350.00Anonymous: Raoul de Belbeuf "d'après nature", Villebon France ca. 1853
€1.00Anonymous: "GUERRIER ECOSSAIS" a Scottish Waterloo veteran, ca. 1860Sold out
€1.00Roger Fenton: Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, posing as a hunter, 1854Sold out
€200.00Odart de Parigny: domestic staff, France ca. 1861