€950.00Henry Frères: Photographie Lunaire, Paris ca. 1890
€350.00G.B.: "Dessins de Jupiter, France ca. 1906
€150.00Anonymous: eclipse nr. 6, 14 and 16, ca. 1970s
€230.00Anonyme: Partial Eclipse of Moon, UK ca. 1911Sold out
€100.00Associated Press: "Danseurs Sovietiques à l'exposition", Paris ca. 1961
€250.00Lick Observatory: Neptunus, USA ca. 1970
€450.00Anonyme: eclipse of the sun, USA ca. 1921
€180.00Anonyme: solar eclipse, Paris ca. 1912
€50.00Anonymous: Sea of Tranquillity, Moon ca. 1970
€75.00P. Mons: Orion and Taurus, France ca. 1977
€350.00George E. Hale: Sun-spot Vortices, ca. 1908Sold out
€200.00Rutherfurd: Sonnenfleckengruppe, New York, September 1870