€350.00Unknown: grenade impacts on a target, ca. 1870
€300.00Unknown: Gymnastics exercises at the school for officers, France ca. 1914
€250.00Unknown: Robert Jones balancing on one hand, ca. 1927
€300.00Unknown: acrobatic wrestlers showing their skills, ca. 1935
€100.00Unkown: an acrobatic couple having fun, ca. 1950
€350.00Anonyme: Robert Jones showing his biceps, ca. 1927
€80.00Anonyme: erotic albumen print, Japan, ca. 1880
€150.00Anonymous: eclipse nr. 6, 14 and 16, ca. 1970s
€150.00Unknown: darkroom teststrip, France ca. 1940s
€250.00Anonyme: sick man takes a medicine, ca. 1860
€100.00Unknown: pole dancing on a tree, France ca. 1950
€100.00Unknown: jigsaw puzzle of a group on the beach, France ca. 1900
€150.00Anonymous: reversed out female nude, glass negative, ca. 1900
€200.00J. Destréguil: a cook at the Musée Grévin, Paris ca. 1885
€90.00Anonyme: Greek funeral mask, collotype ca. 1890
€80.00Unknown: destructing evidence, Spain ca. 1950
€100.00Unknown: La evasion misteriosa, Spain ca. 1950
€600.00Duboscq-Soleil (attr.): stereo daguerreotype of a stuffed mountain goat, ca. 1855
€300.00Baron & Mitkiewicz: 'ça c'est une fois un bon fusil savez vous!', ca. 1860
€50.00Anonyme: stockings and two balloons, ca. 1930s
€150.00F. Niemants: "acrobatie amusante", Brussels ca. 1925
€80.00Unknown: disinfection in the French army, ca. 1900
€250.00rare Etched daguerreotype: 'Sidney Matthews Age 32, ca. 1855
€100.00Anonyme: early snapshot of a man jumping, ca. 1890
€150.00Anonyme: post mortem hand of Victor Hugo, Paris ca. 1952
€70.00Disdéri: rejected print of Compte Vrimoli, ca 1865
€250.00Anonymous: tintype of potted Sorbus, ca. 1870
€650.00Anonyme: study of a female hand, ca. 1930s
€75.00Anonyme: squirrel with clarinet, ca. 1960s
€100.00Disdéri: two rejected portraits of Nelly, Paris ca. 1861