€250.00Unknown: Robert Jones balancing on one hand, ca. 1927
€450.00Hermann Heid: figure study of legs, ca. 1875
€50.00Anonyme: African bodybuilder, ca. 1950s
€50.00Anonyme: bodybuilder in backlight, ca. 1940s
€100.00Anonyme: artist study of a female nude, France ca. 1930
€80.00Anonyme: erotic albumen print, Japan, ca. 1880
€50.00Anonyme: double exposure of a bodybuilder, ca. 1960
€250.00Institut National des Sports: Javalin dancer, France ca. 1925
€150.00Unknown: hidden face, France ca. 1930s
€150.00Anonymous: reversed out female nude, glass negative, ca. 1900
€80.00Anonyme: home made erotic snapshot, France ca. 1940s
€100.00Bertram Park: Nude study of a woman, ca. 1940
€70.00Terry Richardson: lookbook for Sisley, ca. 2000
€600.00Gaudenzio Marconi: artist study of a woman, ca. 1870
€80.00Anonyme: naked woman in a hammock, ca. 1870
€150.00Jean-Baptiste Igout: artist study of a woman, ca. 1875
€150.00Anonyme: artistic nude album page, ca. 1950s
€100.00J. Regnauld: Woman with lifted dress, ca. 1880
€180.00Anonyme: nude study of a woman, ca. 1870
€100.00Anonyme: female nude in photo studio, ca. 1960s
€150.00Anonyme: an artistic nude study, Pictorialism ca. 1940s
€200.00Anonymous: nude with striped stockings, ca. 1870
€200.00Painter's study of a female nude, ca. 1890
€70.00Anonymous: artist study with beautiful light, ca. 1880
€25.00A. Hautecoeur: Venus of Milo, Louvre ca. 1865
€50.00Anonymous: color snapshot of strippers in a sexclub, ca. 1970
€100.00Anonymous: artist study of a woman, ca. 1870
€150.00Dr. Hermann Heid: artist study of elegant female hands, ca. 1875
€150.00Anonyme: female nude with long hair, ca. 1875
€250.00John Everard: woman posing like Phryné, UK ca. 1938