€100.00Anonyme: French soldiers having fun, ca. 1900
€850.00Roger Fenton: Sir John Campbell and his aide-de-camp Captain Hume, Crimea ca. 1855
€950.00Anonyme: Giant Hogweed Plant, UK ca. 1860
€130.00H. von der Becke: Olympic swimmer Hans Hampel, Berlin ca. 1951
€80.00Unknown: disinfection in the French army, ca. 1900
€30.00Unknown: 79th Cameron Highlanders, UK ca. 1882
€100.00Anonyme: wrestler against the ropes, ca. 1970s
€100.00Occupational Tintype with four actors posing, ca. 1865
€145.00Disdéri: CdV of Ristori in Médée, ca. 1858
€450.00Brand Frères: portrait of a Belgian priest, Brussels ca. 1860
€80.00Unknown: Pierrot having a picnic, France ca. 1920
€200.00Félix-Jacques Moulin (attr.): déjeuner sur l'herbe, artist study, ca. 1855
€75.00Anonymous: bodybuilder Bert Harrington #1, UK ca. 1920
€75.00Anonymous: bodybuilder Bert Harrington #2, UK ca. 1920
€150.00Reporters Associés: wrestler with skeleton suit, France ca. 1960
€100.00Occupational tintype: tanner or glover, Gloversville New York, ca. 1890
€95.00Pesme: Dumaine, actor of Paris theater, ca. 1865
€300.00WWI: two French soldiers working in a photo lab, ca. 1916
€65.00Anonyme: sculptor with his works, ca. 1920
€45.00Six workers posing with their denim overall, ca. 1903
€45.00KILBURN BROTHERS: Waiting for a Shave, stereoview
€195.00A.A.E. Disdéri: Ristori in Médée, ca. 1858
€85.00Eugène Disdéri: painter Robert Fleury, ca. 1865