€300.00Unknown: Gymnastics exercises at the school for officers, France ca. 1914
€250.00Unknown: Robert Jones balancing on one hand, ca. 1927
€300.00Unknown: acrobatic wrestlers showing their skills, ca. 1935
€350.00Anonyme: Robert Jones showing his biceps, ca. 1927
€50.00Anonyme: African bodybuilder, ca. 1950s
€130.00Anonyme: Interwar gymnasts posing in a Rhönrad, Germany ca. 1929
€50.00Anonyme: bodybuilder in backlight, ca. 1940s
€100.00Anonyme: artist study of a female nude, France ca. 1930
€50.00Anonyme: double exposure of a bodybuilder, ca. 1960
€80.00Anonyme: out of the swimming pool, France ca. 1960's
€250.00Institut National des Sports: Javalin dancer, France ca. 1925
€200.00Max Schirner: gymnastics by a soldier of the Kriegsmarine, Berlin ca. 1943
€100.00Unknown: pole dancing on a tree, France ca. 1950
€75.00Unknown: playing snooker, ca. 1950
€130.00Playing Chess: cabinet card and stereo print, ca. 1875
€130.00H. von der Becke: Olympic swimmer Hans Hampel, Berlin ca. 1951
€80.00Robert Sennecke: Police Championships, Germany ca. 1929
€150.00F. Niemants: "acrobatie amusante", Brussels ca. 1925
€50.00Anonyme: dance class, ca. 1970s
€250.00Anonymous: hurdler in a private garden, ca. 1906
€100.00Anonyme: early snapshot of a man jumping, ca. 1890
€250.00A. Schausberger: gymnastic exercise, Austria ca. 1925
€100.00Anonyme: wrestler against the ropes, ca. 1970s
€350.00Kotelmann (attr.): Dance exercise, Loheland Schule ca. 1926
€150.00Anonymous: shooting woman, Certosa Italy ca. 1906
€75.00Anonymous: bodybuilder Bert Harrington #1, UK ca. 1920
€75.00Anonymous: bodybuilder Bert Harrington #2, UK ca. 1920
€75.00Anonyme: two women doing gymnastic exercises, Germany ca. 1930
€150.00Reporters Associés: wrestler with skeleton suit, France ca. 1960