
Bazar Nadar


Duboscq-Soleil (attr.): stereo daguerreotype of a stuffed mountain goat, ca. 1855

Image of Duboscq-Soleil (attr.): stereo daguerreotype of a stuffed mountain goat, ca. 1855

An unusual still life stereo daguerreotype of a stuffed young mountain goat. Probably by Louis Jules Duboscq-Soleil (French, 1817-1886). It's not signed but the unique mounting encasement can be attributed to Duboscq. On the reverse, four triangular sections are closed together around the daguerreotype casing forming an "X" configuration across the back [Janet E. Buerger: French Daguerreotypes, p. 214]. Jules Duboscq was a scientist, optician and a photographer specializing in stereoscopy.

Beautiful example that fits perfectly into any typical 19th century cabinet of curiosities.

Other taxidermy stereographs are known from Maison A. Bertrand and T.R. Williams. Another stuffed mountain goat, made by Duboscq, was sold by Sotheby's. Other examples of taxidermy stereo daguerreotypes can be found in the Cromer collection.
