Vladimir V. Lebedev: people watching a solar eclipse, St. Petersburg ca. 1912
Group of people on a roof watching a solar eclipse in St. Petersburg, 1912. This eclipse was on Wednesday, April 17. People are wearing warm jackets because it's still fresh in this season in St.-Petersburg. Something between 5°C and 10°C.
In 1912 there was another solar eclipse in October, but this one wasn't visible in St.-Petersburg.
Photograph by Vladimir Vasilievich Lebedev (Влади́мир Васи́льевич Ле́бедев 1891-1967). He was part of the Russian avant-garde: a painter, a political cartoonist and a poster artist, with an experimental style influenced by Russian folk art, futurism, constructivism and cubism. Lebedev was a pioneer in the field of children's illustration. Nowadays, he is still classified as one of the most important Russian and Soviet children's book illustrators.
Vintage silver print, annotated and dated on the back.
ca. 8,9 x 12 cm
Historical detail about this solar eclipse:
Eugène Atget also photographed a crowd gathering in Paris observing the solar eclipse of April 17, 1912. A famous image used on the cover of La Révolution Surréaliste.