Honoré Daumier: Proverbes et Maximes 'La patience est la vertu des ânes', 1840

"La Patience est la vertu des ânes".
Lithograph by Honoré Daumier (1808-1879) from the satirical Proverbs et Maximes series. Due to the lengthy time of exposure in early DAGUERREOTYPE, it was most important for the "victim" not to move. In this series Daumier illustrates some well known proverbs in an original and literal way.
Published as early as July 2, 1840 in the French newspaper Le Charivari.
Excellent condition, printed text on the verso.
ca. 33,5 x 24 cm
Paul-Louis Roubert: L'image sans qualités, Paris 2006 (p. 111)