
Bazar Nadar


Charles Aubry: study of a grape vine, ca. 1865

Image of Charles Aubry: study of a grape vine, ca. 1865
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Charles Aubry (1811-1877) became a master in botanical still life photography after working as a fabric and wallpaper designer. Sometimes he dipped the plants in plaster to enhance the three-dimensional effect. This example of a grape vine is photographed outdoors.

Scholar Anne McCauley found out Aubry approached Nadar with an offer of a partnership. There is no indication that Nadar ever responded to the request. (A. Novak, 2017)

This unmounted albumen print after a glass negative is in overall good condition. The topic is photographed straight forward but with a nice composition. Some issues with the collodion in the original negative are visible in the print.
Numbered "556" in the lower left corner. This number was scratched in the negative. We found another slightly different example of this image, numbered "555" in the same hand. The Rijksmuseum still has copies of Aubry with the same type of numbering.

The untrimmed albumen print gives it a nice primitive feel. You can see the edges where the glass plate was secured in the negative holder.

ca. 21 x 27,4 cm
