
Bazar Nadar


Alophe, ancienne Maison Le Gray: artist study of a child, ca. 1870

Image of Alophe, ancienne Maison Le Gray: artist study of a child, ca. 1870

This Carte de Visite is from Alophe, Adolphe Menut (1811-1883). He was the successor of Gustave le Gray since 1859. He made portraits of all members of the 'Union Postale Universelle' which he exhibited at the S.F.P. (Société Française de Photographie).
Alophe stopped in 1878 with his photographic activities.

The portrait is an artist's study of a young child. Despite some small retouching spots still a beautiful tint of the albumen print. The child's dreamy face is reminiscent of the work of Julia Margaret Cameron.

ca. 10,2 x 6,2 cm

Name written in brown fountain pen on the back.